My daughter has a bit of an attitude at times. I love this girl to pieces and sometimes I feel like I'm looking in the mirror when she gives me a bit of "lip." She is smart, independent and witty. She likes it her way and loves to be in charge in anything and everything she does. The other day I asked her if she wanted to go hiking with me to which she replied; "mom, why do you always want to go on adventures?" I said; "Abbi, I thought that you liked to go on adventures." Then she said; "no, mom I like animals." This last comment cracked me up! We all want to be different from others and will not let someone else tell us what we like and don't like. So it is with my precious five year old.
I will never push my kids to do what they don't want to do (household chores, homework, being kind to other etc. are not included). If they are not passionate about the same things that their parents are then that's totally fine by me. In fact, shortly after the "I like animals" comment. Abbi informed me that she doesn't want to be a "triathlon girl" when she grows up. I told her I would love her no matter what she does. My only requirement for my children is that they at least try. Not, try a triathlon but try and do their best in life. Try and find what they are passionate about. Try and be a better person. Try and learn. Try and be kind to everyone (even if they are not deserving). I want them to be happy, happy in trying to find out what makes them happy.
I have learned a lot this year about trying. I believe that you have to "put yourself out there." You have to to be brave and try new things, meet new people and push yourself to try the things that make you uncomfortable. Not everything will turn out how you envision it but hey at least you tried. I have to lead by example with my kids and others. I just recently found out that I won a $1500 scholarship from my work. If I didn't take the steps to complete the application, get a letter of recommend or walk the package to the mailbox I would have never known if I would have won or not. Another thing that I "tried" was that I submitted an article to a local running/triathlon magazine. I had it published and won a helmet! In school we have to present in front of the class all the time. I hate it. I can talk your ear off if we are one-on-one but put me in front of the class and I'm a nervous wreck! I make myself uncomfortable; get up there and try. We cannot sit back and let life happen all around us. We must become participants. There is so much to see, do and try lets not sit idle. Whether you win a helmet or not you'll never know unless you muster up the courage to put in a little effort and TRY!
As a mother, of course I want what I think is best for them but lets face it, they are the decision makers in their lives. They get to choose what they want to do, be, become and try. It is true when they say "your children are not of you, they come through you." They are a gifts from God. I am only a sign in the road that they can choose to follow or not. They can and will make their own path in life. They are in charge of their own destiny. My only requirement is that they are happy and at least try.